Seeing Art

I see the world no longer as something separate from my mind.

After having been an artist for so many years, I now see the world as a living canvas connected to my sight and other senses. Every day when I look at nature around me, depending on the weather, my state of mind, or the natural sounds, the landscape transforms before my eyes and takes the form of a painting.

On windy days I might “see” the trees being beat about the atmosphere as Soutine painted his trees.

Walking down a city street the surrounding buildings begin to morph into a cubist arrangement of geometric design.

A chicken walking in a field on a stormy day becomes a torrent of motion and colour.

Wherever I am, whatever I am doing, nature becomes a painting. My thoughts are generated by colour, design, and texture.

Art never leaves me.

The Spirit of the 1960s

The Spirit of the 1960sThe spirit of the 1960s continues to have a hold on our imagination. The youth and younger adults of today tend to romanticize it, and those of us who actually lived it often view it through the rosy lens of nostalgia. I suppose it is no different in that respect than any other past era.

Hippies, the anti-war movement, free love, the music, the drugs—those are just a few of the things that stand out as characteristic of the time and, depending on your point of view, represent some of the best and worst of the era. They do not, however, reflect a uniform experience or awareness of the people at the time. For instance, Woodstock was monumental at the time, but unless you were on the East Coast, you probably didn’t even hear about it until after the fact.

The TRUE Spirit of the 1960s

The 60’s were, indeed, a romantic time of experimentation and discovery, but the REAL and TRUE spirit of the 60’s is not to be found in the lives of rock stars, or in peaceful protests disrupted by violent agitators courting the ever more intrusive media. The REAL ROMANCE was found in the everyday lives of those who were simply and peacefully LIVING in an era that was generating an energy frequency different from any that had ever come before.

Some chose to distort that creative energy into the darker things that made up the bulk of the news of the day, while others quietly joined with the energy and rode along for a few years for their own personal journey of exploration and discovery.

I was one of these explorers, and The Muse is my story, going beyond the stereotype of the time to convey something of the nature of the romantic and creative energy that shaped my life.