Book of Din

Book of Din

Lessons on the Meaning of Life

Wisdom and Knowledge never before revealed to this world
Is there more to this universe than meets the eye?
The fate of this world is entirely in your hands.
The most unusual, most important, and most controversial book you will ever read.

This world is a mess, and the humans who live here are doing very little to make it better.

The fate of this world is entirely in your hands, and the time to change things is growing short.

The ancients were primarily hunters, herdsmen, and farmers who cared more about crops and rain and rivers and seasons than about fabricated religions and societal agendas. Being a deeply spiritual and transcendental people, they were connected to Nature in every facet of their lives and saw the presence of God in every cell of everything around them. They would not be able to understand the rules and practices of the human-contrived denominations of current culture, as all mention of Nature has been removed from modern religious services. They would not be able to support a human society that has become as political, shallow, and disjointed as this one is today, nor would they be afraid to ponder the deeper mysteries of not only this world, but of other worlds throughout the universe and beyond.

This book holds answers to questions that have been asked for centuries; the solutions for all of the problems that are destroying society today.

This is a guide for the life you should be living, not for the life others have designed for you, and then forced you to live within the boundaries of their flawed and often corrupt narratives.

  • Have you ever felt that there is more to this universe than meets the eye?
  • Do you suspect that what you have been taught by religion, schools, politicians, or the entertainment-saturated society may not be the truth—or at least not all of it?

Read this book and throw out just about everything you have ever learned from those who had no idea what they were saying when they introduced it to your mind. Adopt the few simple practices found on these pages. These are Truths that will awaken you to your own reality and guide you onto a path of eternal benefit.

This compilation of lessons, observations, and personal practices will transform your life completely. It will change the way you look at everything—God, religion, politics, nature, morality, angels, and more.

In the BOOK of DIN you will find wisdom and knowledge never before revealed to this world.

The BOOK of DIN is the most unusual, most important, and probably the most controversial book you will ever read.

Book of Din:

Lessons on the Meaning of Life